LINKE: SYRIZA braucht unsere Solidarität
Dear comrades,
in this critical moment for Greece and the people in the European Union we express our solidarity and support for the political course of SYRIZA. Your great success in the last elections is a sign of hope for many people who want to stop the neoliberal experiments in Greece and the authoritarian politics of the EU governments.
We want to thank you for your clear and firm position in the negotiations to form a government. We strongly reject the attacks by the other Greek parties, most of the media and various European statesmen against the Coalition of the Radical Left. On the one hand some left groups accuse SYRIZA because of its will to keep Greece a member of the Euro and the EU. On the other hand SYRIZAs is widely depicted as anti-european because it advocates the interest of the Greek people and rejects the dictated memoranda. The often repeated threat that SYRIZAS proposals would lead to the Greek exit from the Eurozone is outrageous, especially as this would imply the exit from the EU.
It seems that Ms Merkel and the rest of the EU leadership are unwilling to accept, that the democratic sovereign in Greece could decide whether and how the Greek debt should be paid. Now the forthcoming election gives the Greek people the possibility to stop the brutal austerity, to end the violation of labour rights and to start a new political project in the EU that finds answers to the profound political and economic crisis. We send you our warmest and most sincere wishes for a great success of SYRIZA in the elections and encourage you to continue your way to form a government in Greece, to establish a debt audit and to tackle the deeply-rooted problems of the European banking system. We call to all left forces in Greece to support SYRIZA in the challenge to form a government that actually feels responsible towards the people.
We will do our best to challenge Merkel, Schäuble and the German policies of super-austerity, unemployment and social destruction at home. DIE LINKE will carry on its National and European efforts and continue the close cooperation with SYRIZA. We want to search for a solution at the European level to overcome the European financial, economic and political crisis.
With our warmest regards,
Heinz Bierbaum – vice-chairmen of DIE LINKE
Diether Dehm – MP, member of the executive committee of DIE LINKE and member of the executive board of the European Left
Klaus Ernst – chairman of DIE LINKE
Wolfgang Gehrke – member of the executive committee of DIE LINKE and its international commission and chairmen of the workgroup international politics of DIE LINKE in the national parliament
Annette Groth – MP and member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Heike Hänsel – MP
Renate Harcke – member of the executive committee of DIE LINKE and its international commission
Claudia Haydt – member of the executive board of the European Left
Andrej Hunko – MP, member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and its rapporteur for the report “Austerity measures – a danger for democracy and social rights”
Tobias Pflüger – member of the executive committee of DIE LINKE
Michael Schlecht – MP
Helmut Scholz – MEP and member of executive board of the European Left
Alexander Ulrich – MP and member of the Committee on European Affairs