Wind, Flaute oder Sturm

Unterwegs nach Ende Gelände

Do you experience an overwhelming sadness when thinking about climate change?
Do you feel that sorting your trash isn’t quite doing the job?
Do you havee the feeling that there is a great fight to be fought,
but you do not know where and when and how?


Pack your bag. Bring a sleeping mat ande a sleeping bag, an overheas plastic
sheet, 75 euros in cash, 4 pairs of underwear, sturdy shoes, a raincoat,
an umbrella, sunscreen, a musical instrument if you can play it, two small
water bottles, a first aid kid, a dust mask, a flashlight, your toiletries.

Meet us at Bio Rio in Stockholm at 16:00 on the 11th of May


Wir sind eine Gruppe, die nach Ende Gelände will, die Besetzung von Vattenfalls Gruben in Deutschland. Folge uns auf

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